Refer a Case

Refer a non-urgent patient using our form

Our clinicians are happy to offer advice and guidance in the management of small animal cases and can be contacted by email on, and



Please be aware that this service is for non-urgent enquiries only and we will respond within 2 working days.


For urgent or emergency cases we would recommend that you call directly on 01454 521000.



Referring Vet Details

Client Details

Pet's Details

Has the patient ever travelled outside of the UK?:

Type of Case

What type of referral is it?:

Please note that outpatient services do not cover surgeries or consults and will only provide the results to the referring vet

More detailed information can be uploaded in the Attachments section.


Please attach the patient’s full clinical history and any additional records e.g., test results, radiographs, ECG tracings including any available from other vet practices (Max total file size 8MB).


Is the animal insured?:

Please ask your client to speak to their insurance company and give permission for Rowe Referrals to speak to them to confirm/discuss details of their insurance policy on their behalf.

It is the responsibility of the referring practice to send up to date history and relevant lab work prior to the patient being seen.


Security Question: