Butler’s Voice Returns

Butler’s Voice Returns

Butler came to Rowe Referrals for an assessment of a laryngeal mass. The mass had been discovered by his regular vet after he had presented with wheezing and increased respiratory effort. Butler’s owner also mentioned that he had lost his voice three years previously.


A CT scan was performed which showed a bronchial pattern consistent with allergic airway disease, but no other lesions of concern. Because of concerns about Butler's breathing, rather than biopsy first, we performed a ventral laryngotomy and removed as much of the mass as possible. Butler was then treated with corticosteroids.


Fortunately, the lesion was not cancer but rather an inflammatory nodule. 12 days after surgery, Butler was sedated again to reexamine his larynx, and the improvement was marked. Not only has Butler's breathing returned to normal but after 3 years his voice returned.