Elisa Best

Veterinary Surgeon

Elisa Best - RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery
Elisa Best BVSc CertSAS CSAVP (Oncology) MRCVS RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery

Elisa qualified in South Africa and moved to the UK in 1996 after two years in small animal practice in Cape Town. She has always had a strong interest in surgery and after several years in first opinion practice obtained her post graduate Certificate in Small Animal Surgery in 2003.

Elisa moved to the South West to work as a surgeon in referral practice and joined the Rowe Veterinary Group in 2012. Her focus as a soft tissue surgeon at Rowe Referrals led to an interest in cancer patients and in 2022 she obtained a post graduate qualification in Oncology (medical and surgical). She is able to offer a combined approach to oncology cases especially those requiring surgery and follow up chemotherapy, but also cases that are not surgical candidates and require chemotherapy only. She also has experience with elecrochemotherapy as a cancer treatment.

Elisa has been a contributor to the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, The Journal of Small Animal Practice and the Veterinary Times. She enjoys all aspects of surgery but has a particular interest in oncology cases and wound management especially negative pressure wound therapy.

Elisa is supported by a team of highly experienced, highly qualified Veterinary Nurses.

In her spare time, she helps run a smallholding with her husband in the Wye Valley and enjoys photography.

Elisa is available to take surgical and oncology referrals as well as offer advice or discuss cases. Please call 01454 521000 or email ElisaBest@rowevetgroup.com